



The name of the organization shall be the South Carolina Brain Injury Leadership Council (Council), which shall be the “state advisory board” as designated in the federal TBI Act and Article 6 of Chapter 38, Title 44 of the 1976 Code of Laws of South Carolina.


  1. The Council’s vision is “persons with brain injury achieving their highest possible quality of life.”

  2. The Council’s mission is to provide leadership in promoting a range of services that empower persons with brain injury, are accessible to them, and are responsive to their needs and preferences. Its role is to identify current and emerging issues and innovations, foster education and advocacy, and build consensus to support needed policies and programs.

  3. The Council’s long-term goals are to:

    a) Increase awareness of the nature and effects of brain injury and the needs of persons with brain injury for effective treatment and services.

    b) Improve the quality of life for persons with brain injury by promoting access to appropriate services across multiple providers, agencies, and programs.

    c) Promote research, education, advocacy, and prevention related to brain injury.

    d) Increase the capacity of clinicians, educators and other professionals to identify and serve persons with brain injury.

    e) Foster coordination and collaboration among public and private agencies and organizations involved with brain injury.

  4. The South Carolina Brain Injury Leadership Council shall:

    a) advise and make recommendations to the State on ways to improve services coordination regarding traumatic brain injury;

    b) encourage citizen participation through the establishment of public hearings and other types of community outreach programs;

    c) identify emerging issues and expand methods and resources to enhance statewide services;

    d) serve as a resource for education, research, and training and provide information and referral services;

    e) provide technical assistance for the development of support groups and other local initiatives to serve individuals, families, and caregivers;

    f) consult with federal, state, and local government agencies and with citizens’ groups and other private entities to recommend public policy concerning brain injuries to state policymakers; and

    g) serve as the statewide advisory board for implementing the federal Traumatic Brain Injury Act and applying for federal traumatic brain injury funding.


In order to facilitate coordination and collaboration, Council membership includes persons with brain injury, family members, agency staff, service providers, researchers, policymakers, and advocates.

Voting Council members are appointed on the basis of the following qualifications:

  1. Representatives of the following agencies and organizations, who should have knowledge or expertise in the area of brain injury or services to this population, shall serve ex officio:

    a) South Carolina Department of Education;

    b) South Carolina Department of Health and Human Services:

    c) South Carolina Department of Mental Health;

    d) South Carolina Department of Social Services;

    e) South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control;

    f) South Carolina Vocational Rehabilitation Department;

    g) South Carolina Department of Disabilities and Special Needs;

    h) Head and Spinal Cord Injury Division within the South Carolina Department of Disabilities and Special Needs;

    i) Medical University of South Carolina;

    j) University Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities within the University of South Carolina School of Medicine;

    k) South Carolina Independent Living Council;

    l) South Carolina Developmental Disabilities Council;

    m) Disability Rights South Carolina; and

    n) Brain Injury Association of South Carolina

  2. At least fifty percent of the BILC Membership will be made up of persons with brain injury, whom shall be appointed by the Council’s Executive Committee to serve for four year terms and until their successors are appointed.

  3. Chairpersons of all Council Committees

Non-Voting Council Members:

In addition to the voting members listed above, healthcare or other service providers, third party payers, or other interested parties knowledgeable about brain injuries may be appointed as non-voting members by the Council’s Executive Committee to serve for four year terms or until their successors are appointed.

Members shall be appointed with consideration given to statewide geographic and demographic representation. Resignation from the Council must be in writing and be received by the Chairperson or Secretary. When an appointed vacancy on the Council exists, nominations to fill the vacancy may be received from Council members by the Secretary two weeks in advance of a meeting of the Executive Committee meeting. These nominations shall be communicated to Executive Committee members, to be voted upon at the next Executive Committee meeting.

A member may be removed from the Council for excess absences after two unexcused absences from Council meetings within a year. A Council member may be removed for other reasons by a seventy-five percent (75%) vote of the remaining Council members.


The Council shall meet at least quarterly, at a date, time, and place set by the Executive Committee. At the last meeting of the year, regular meetings for the following year shall be scheduled. At lease one week prior to regularly scheduled meetings, the Secretary shall send all Council members a notice telling the time and place of the quarterly meeting. A draft agenda showing all of the items of business upon which the Council is expected to act should be included.

If unable to attend, Council members shall notify the Chairperson, Secretary, or administrative staff. The Secretary shall keep records of attendance and bring the issue of excessive absences to the Executive Committee for consideration as appropriate.

The presence of not less than forty percent (40%) of the members shall constitute a quorum and shall be necessary to conduct the business of the Council. Participation by telephone or other interactive electronic means is authorized and considered attendance for purposes of obtaining a quorum. Once established, a quorum shall exist as long as at least twenty-five percent (25%) of the members are present.

At the request of thirty percent (30%) of the members of the Council, or when the Chairperson finds it is in the best interest of the organization, a special meeting of the Council may be called. Notice of the special meeting shall be sent to all Council members at least five working days before the scheduled date. The notice shall state the reason the meeting has been called and the business to be transacted. No other business but that specified in the notice may be transacted at such special meeting without the unanimous consent of all present at such meeting.


All votes shall be by voice unless a secret ballot is requested and agreed to. At any meeting, if a majority agrees, any question may be decided by secret ballot. Before ballots are cast, the presiding officer of the meeting shall appoint a committee of three who shall count the ballots and certify the results. The results shall be included in the minutes of that meeting. No inspector of election shall be a candidate for office or shall be personally interested in the question voted upon. A voting Council member may vote by proxy.


  1. Approval of the Minutes of the preceding meeting

  2. Approval of the Agenda

  3. Reports of Committees

  4. Other Business

  5. Adjournment


The business of the Council shall be managed by an Executive Committee consisting of the officers of the Council and the chairpersons and co-chairs of the permanent committees. Fifty percent (50%) of the members of the Executive Committee shall constitute a quorum; participation by telephone or other interactive electronic means is authorized and considered attendance for purposes of obtaining a quorum. The Executive Committee shall only act in the name of the Council when it is regularly convened by its chairperson after due notice to all committee members. Each member shall have one vote and voting by proxy is not allowed. Action of the Executive Committee is subject to revision by the Council at a regular or special meeting.

The Chairperson, Vice Chairperson, and Secretary of the Council by virtue of their offices shall be Chairperson, Vice Chairperson, and Secretary, respectively, of the Executive Committee. The Executive Committee may issue and distribute reports related to Council matters as appropriate. The Executive Committee shall hire and fire any employees that it determines necessary to conduct the business of the Council.


The officers of the Council shall be as follows: Chairperson, Vice Chairperson, and Secretary.

  1. The Chairperson shall preside at all Council meetings and have such powers as may be reasonably construed as belonging to the chief executive of any organization.

  2. The Vice Chairperson shall, in the event of the absence or inability of the Chairperson to exercise his office, become Acting Chairperson of the Council.

  3. The Secretary shall be responsible for the administrative duties required by the Council.

Officers shall not receive compensation for their duties as officers. Council officers are to be elected at the final quarterly Council meeting of the year, and shall serve a two-year term starting the next calendar year. Vacancies in the Council officers shall be filled by a vote of the majority of the remaining members of the Executive Committee for the balance of the term.


All committees of the Council and their chairpersons and co-chairs shall be appointed by the Council Chairperson with the approval of the Executive Committee. Their term of office shall be for a period of two years. Committee members may be removed by a majority of the Executive Committee when sufficient cause exists.

The permanent committees shall be:

  1. Executive Committee

  2. Workforce Development Committee

  3. Data and Information Systems Committee

  4. Systems Development Committee

The Executive Committee may create other committees as needed. In special circumstances, persons who are not members of the Council may be appointed to committees. Committees may act based on a simple majority of those members present. Committee recommendations must be approved by the Council prior to implementation.


Council members acting in the name of the Council shall not engage in activities that present a conflict of interest. In addition, Council members acting in the name of the Council shall avoid the appearance of a conflict of interest.


Instances not covered by these bylaws shall be governed by the most recent revision of Robert’s Rules of Order.


These bylaws may be altered, amended, repealed or added to by an affirmative vote of more than fifty percent (50%) of all Council members. Proposed amendments must be submitted to the Secretary to be distributed with regular Council meeting announcements.

These bylaws were last approved at a meeting of the Council on December 15, 2022.