
SCBILC Committees

The SCBILC’s role is to identify current and emerging issues and innovations, foster education and advocacy, and build consensus to support needed programs and policies. The Council meets quarterly. Ongoing committees include the following:

Executive Committee

  • includes Council Chairperson, Vice Chairperson, Secretary, Committee Chairpersons, and Co-Chairpersons

  • provide governance to the South Carolina Brain Injury Leadership Council and serve as its official representatives

  • lead the Council’s organizational development and strategic planning activities

  • take action on behalf of the Council consistent with By-laws

  • establish agendas for Council meetings

  • prepare draft of relevant documents for approval by the full Council

  • represent the Council in promoting service development and systems change

  • monitor the federal TBI Act and promote its implementation in South Carolina

Data and Information Systems Committee

  • obtain, develop and review data and information related to size, characteristics, and service needs of populations with brain injury in South Carolina

  • obtain, develop and review data and information to support priority areas of the Executive, Systems Development, and Workforce Development Committees

  • monitor national and state surveillance and research activities which may provide relevant data and information on people with brain injury

  • develop strategies for needs/resource assessments as required by the federal TBI Act

Systems Development Committee

  • develop a detailed services continuum/array template for people with brain injury

  • assess state service systems using the services continuum/array template to portray status of current services and to reflect service needs and gaps for people with brain injury

  • assess and report current state efforts and opportunities related to Council priority areas:

    • implementation of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) to benefit people with brain injury

    • comprehensive medical rehabilitation in CARF-certified TBI programs

    • behavioral health services for people with brain injury

    • education and services for children and youth with brain injury

    • vocational rehabilitation/employment for people with brain injury

    • residential options for people with brain injury

  • research other states and federal programs to document alternative services approaches, cost information, and funding sources related to priority areas

Workforce Development Committee

  • assist assessment of professional and agency staff training needs to increase capacity for serving people with brain injury

  • plan and promote appropriate training events to improve/expand services for people with brain injury

  • assist agencies and organizations with meeting and conference planning to include topics and presentations related to brain injury

  • assist USC Center for Disability Resources in expanding offerings of the Brain Injury Training Institute, including orientation to brain injury, intermediate and advanced brain injury training, and training to prepare people for CBIS certification

  • assist Brain Injury Association of South Carolina with planning its annual state conference